«More important than works are people», defends mayor of São Brás

The Chamber of São Brás de Alportel took stock of the first year of the 2021/25 municipal mandate last Thursday, November 10

Photo: Mariana Carriço | Sul Informação

A year in which it was necessary to “adapt quickly to the crisis” in order to “respond to families”, dedicating more funds to these areas. This is how Vitor Guerreiro, mayor of São Brás de Alportel, described the first year of the 2021/25 municipal mandate, at the balance sheet press conference that took place last Thursday, 10th of November. 

At the beginning of his term still marked by the pandemic, but also by the beginning of the War, the mayor emphasizes that when the 2022 budget was approved, “the crisis we are experiencing was not expected” and, therefore, argues that the Municipality is “in a good degree of achievement” despite the need for “rapid adaptation to the crisis”.

«More important than tar, works and cement, are the people. And in the municipality of São Brás, we want, at all costs, to be friends with people».

«Each euro means a lot to us and our Municipality is perfectly sensitive to issues of sustainable development objectives. They all sum up what we want to do for the quality of life of our populations, our responsibility towards the environment and society».

Aware of these objectives, the mayor says that the municipality has tried to do its best to develop actions in this direction.

«Support for families, people's quality of life, support for food, essential goods, education and health is essential. We want to promote individual fulfilment, make each person feel that they have an important role in the community, that they feel fulfilled and, consequently, we promote social motivation, combating the great scourge that are psychological illnesses and that have increased in these last three years», emphasized Vitor Guerreiro.


Photo: Mariana Carriço | Sul Informação

Marlene Guerreiro, vice-president of the Chamber of São Brás de Alportel, also stated that two of the major current problems are “mental health and addictions”.

In this sense, an integrated action network will be created this month for the dependencies that will, according to Marlene Guerreiro, provide support to families and citizens who face this problem daily.

In the balance sheet, the vice-president also mentioned that São Brás de Alportel is a municipality with a "resilient and solidary" community, highlighting the SOS Ukraine project and the Social Emergency Fund, reinforced with the "generosity" of citizens.

«We have two lines of solidarity that are only possible because two citizens, who ask for anonymity, generously help the municipality to help those who need it most».

Marlene Guerreiro talks about the helpline to help those who have difficulties paying their rent, which has a monthly contribution of 300 euros from one of these citizens.

The other will give, annually, for five years, 20 thousand euros, “which are being channeled to reinforce the Mão Amiga program, which helps to carry out works in the homes of people who have more difficulties”.

Investment in schools has also been a priority, says Vítor Guerreiro.

In addition to the modernization and commitment to digital, the municipality invested in hiring 27 new employees to «provide the necessary conditions for the safety of teaching».

«What is defined for non-teaching staff is 71 workers and we have more than 100. That is, the municipality supports more than 30 workers without being obliged to do so» says the mayor, stressing that there are more than a dozen workers affects only one student, in the case of children with special educational needs.


Photo: Mariana Carriço | Sul Informação


Regarding the health area, which «does not fall within the competence of the municipality», the president stresses that the Municipality has assumed its role in promoting healthy lifestyles and in what are the actions aimed at preventing the disease.

In addition, an application was made to the PRR in the amount of 312 thousand euros to improve the Health Center, «creating more offices and better conditions for health professionals and users».

In terms of sport, São Brás has also invested in the construction of padel and tennis courts and is renovating some football infrastructure, such as changing rooms. «We are talking about an investment of around 100 euros that included the participation of the IPDJ in 30 euros», stressed councilor Acácio Martins.

The Environment is also an area in which, according to the Mayor, a lot has been invested.

«We have been trying to be at the forefront in the fight against climate change and we were the first municipality in the Algarve with an application approved under the PRR for water efficiency and replacement of plants that imply greater consumption of water by native plains».

In addition, the Municipality has invested in creating more green areas and campaigns in the area of ​​the environment, involving citizens.

In terms of energy efficiency, the Municipality also invested in LED lighting, which will represent savings of 70 to 90%. According to Acácio Martins, the energy certification of municipal buildings was also intensified.

Water efficiency is another goal to be achieved and, as councilor Acácio Martins explained, although there is still a lot of work to be done, the Municipality invested over 200% in this area last year with improvements in the remote management and monitoring system of the distribution network of water, and the control of water consumption with the installation of flow meters, as well as pressure reducing valves and the rehabilitation works of roundabouts in the municipality, with a view to a significant reduction in water consumption and losses.

On the sidelines of the press conference, Vítor Guerreiro also announced the favorable declaration of the environmental impact of the work of requalification of EN2🇧🇷 "Our goal is to launch an international public tender next year," he said.

