Course on multitrophic cultivation in aquaculture is based on the example of the EPP in Olhão

The course is free with mandatory enrollment and is available in e-learning format.

IPMA organizes a course on multitrophic cultivation integrated into aquaculture (IMTA), within the scope of the Aqua&Aambi project (Interreg V-POCTEP), taking place between December 5th and February 28th.

The course aims to provide a set of basic knowledge about production in IMTA systems in land tanks in a semi-intensive regime, based on the experience acquired with the tests developed at the Pilot Fish Farming Station of Olhão of IPMA (EPPO).

In this type of systems, it is important to know the factors that must be considered for the development of a sustainable and optimized culture of organisms from two or more trophic groups.

The course is free of charge with compulsory registration, and is available in e-learning format with the support of FORMAR, thus being able to be carried out at a distance and adapted to the availability of each one.



