User Commission promotes concentration in defense of the maternity of Portimão

On next Saturday

The SNS Users Commission in Portimão once again held a meeting at this unit of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve (CHUA), to demand that the maternity hospital not be closed and in favor of pediatric and obstetric services, on 26 November, the next Saturday at 15:30 pm.

According to the commission, «there is a setback in the health services provided at Hospital de Portimão», which users repudiate and against which they will fight.

At issue is «the lack of doctors and nurses, the lack of equipment and various unavailability, which only demonstrate that there is really a disinvestment in the SNS»

«When a more specialized action is needed, for example an MRI, users are referred to the private service. But what CHUA pays for outsourcing this service would be enough to expand the offer with more doctors and diagnostic technicians in the hospital», they argue.

It is to protest against what they consider a disinvestment in the SNS that users will gather next Saturday in Portimão.



