Lagos: Young man arrested in the act of beating his mother ended up in prison for older crimes

At the GNR post in Lagos

A 21-year-old young man who was arrested for assaulting his mother in front of the GNR, this afternoon, in Chinicato, saw his arrest ordered after a warrant for his arrest, for similar crimes, arrived at the post of Lagos from this security force.

After receiving an alert, GNR soldiers went to the victim's house, around 14:15 pm this Thursday, March 3rd, where they witnessed an assault by the young man on his mother, "who ended up having to be taken to Hospital de Portimão, where he is still at this moment», as he revealed to Sul Informação source of the GNR of Lagos.

When he was already at the post, an arrest warrant arrived in the name of the aggressor, who “has a history of the same crime, because he assaulted the whole family”.

The man will appear in court tomorrow, due to the crime committed today, which should lead to “an aggravation of the sentence” that he has already begun to serve in the Olhão Prison.




