ACTA premieres “Adrift”, a play about apartheid that will help Ukrainian Association

The premiere will be at 21:00, but there will also be solidarity sessions on the 25th, 26th and 27th.

The show “À Deriva”, by ACTA – A Companhia de Teatro do Algarve, in co-production with the Braga Theater Company, premieres this Thursday, March 24, at Teatro Lethes, in Faro. The play, which talks about a true case that took place during apartheid (South Africa), and the revenue from the box office will revert in full to the Association of Ukrainians in the Algarve. 

The premiere will be at 21 pm, but there will also be solidarity sessions on the 00th, 25th and 26th.

Spectators can pay the ticket at the normal price (10 euros or 7,50 for those under 30 and over 65) or the amount they wish to donate.

The play will be on stage until the 3rd of April, but the sessions after the 27th will no longer have this solidarity aspect.

Tickets can be purchased here 


