“Conversation with the Future” addressed Agriculture and Biodiversity in a new online session

Conversation took place on October 13th

A new “Conversation with the Future” in online mode, dedicated to the theme of Agriculture and Biodiversity, took place on the 13th of October, organized by Europe Direct Algarve, Algarve's Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR) and Associação In Loco.

Isabel Carvalhais, Rita Leote, from the Portuguese Platform of Non-Governmental Organizations for Development, Artur Gregório, from the In Loco Association, Pedro Monteiro, from the Algarve Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries (DRAPALG), Maria Lurdes Carvalho, from CCDR Algarve, Ângela Rosa, organic farmer, José Vitorino, from AlgFuturo and Bruno Lisboa, a young ambassador for the European Climate Pact.

Other projects with strong regional expression also contributed to the debate, such as ODSlocal, the EXCHANGE platform – Platform for a Fair International Trade or Glocal >Faro.

Moderated by Artur Gregório, from Associação In Loco, the conversation was guided by questions such as "are agriculture and biodiversity incompatible?" or “Is a third way possible?”, explains the organization of the initiative.

The ideas collected in this cycle of conversations «feed the Platform of the Conference on the Future of Europe, until Spring 2022», reveals the association In Loco.

“The future is no longer something for subsequent generations to determine. In this decade, the decisions that will define the rest of the century will be taken», highlighted Artur Gregório, from Associação In Loco.

Maria de Lurdes Carvalho recalled that “regional development can only be done with sustainability and that the Mediterranean Diet project is an excellent example in the Algarve region when it comes to the relationship between agriculture and biodiversity”.

"We want to make the Algarve more sustainable in fulfilling the 2030 Agenda", stressed MEP Isabel Carvalhais, acknowledging that the goals of the European Strategy for Biodiversity 2030 could be more ambitious, but that "changing behavior is everyone's task", she says. The .

This conversation is part of the regional program of SEIVA and also marks the European Week of Regions and Cities, the biggest annual event dedicated to cohesion policy.


