ARS Algarve promotes Mediterranean Diet through the game “Ludus Med” for the youngest

Game is available, accessible and free to everyone

The Algarve Regional Health Administration, through its Nutrition office of the Department of Public Health and Planning, launched the app “Ludus Med”, an educational game for young people created within the scope of the MEDITA Project – «Dieta Mediterrânica Promove Saúde».

Each partner «planned activities aimed at promoting the health of young people» who attend Secondary Schools in the Algarve and Andalusia region, in order «to improve eating habits and promote the fight against obesity, in accordance with one of the four goals of the Plan National Health Insurance», explains the ARS Algarve.

In this context, the “Ludus Med” emerged with the aim of “promoting health through increasing literacy in the Mediterranean Diet”.

In this sense, contents were designed, through 500 questions distributed over 12 domains, in digital format in order to favor communication with the younger population.

With this game it is intended to «transmit knowledge and provide playful experiences that encourage the skills necessary for the discovery, enhancement and protection of this valuable cultural heritage, the Mediterranean Diet, as a healthy and environmentally sustainable lifestyle».

ARS Algarve has been responsible for the development of several interventions in this area, whose objective is to improve the nutritional status of the population, by increasing the level of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet.

One of the aspects of the work carried out has been the «production of materials to support nutritional and food literacy, as a determinant in the promotion of their health».

The MEDITA Project – «Mediterranean Diet Promotes Health» was developed in partnership by the Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR) of the Algarve, the Regional Health Administration of the Algarve, the University of Algarve and the Servicio Andaluz de Salud of the Junta de Andalucia, and financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the operational program INTERREG Spain – Portugal (POCTEP).

The game "Ludus Med" is available on the platform Google Play Store and it's accessible and free for all android phones.


