Paulo Alves (PS) wins the Monchique Chamber from the PSD

PS “steals” Camera from PSD

Socialist Paulo Alves won the Municipality of Monchique from the PSD, which has governed it for the past twelve years. The PS achieved an absolute majority, electing 3 of the 5 councilors, obtaining 49,61% of the votes.

The second most voted party was the PSD, with 21,50% of the votes, but electing only 1 councilor.

The fifth councilor was won by the CDS, which is the third most voted force, with 13,23% of the votes. This is José Chaparro, who was already a councilor…but elected by the PSD.

The independent group Cidadãos por Monchique got 6,65%, CDU 3,15% and Chega, last ranked, got 1,59%.

This was one of the changes expected to take place in the Algarve. In declarations to the Sul Informação, Paulo Alves considered that this is "above all a victory for the Monchiquenses, who recognized the work in the opposition that we have done over these four years."

The new elected president of Monchique also made a point of stressing that this was "a victory across the board of the PS, which it won in the Chamber, in the Municipal Assembly and in the three parishes."

In fact, the socialists even conquered the parish of Marmelete, which belonged to the PSD, having also guaranteed 46,55% of the votes in the Municipal Assembly, thus obtaining 8 of the 15 seats in that body.



