Lagos launches vaccination and electronic identification campaign for dogs

Action takes place on the premises of the Official Animal Collection Center of Lagos

The annual anti-rabies vaccination, electronic identification and control of other zoonoses (CVARIE) campaign started this Friday in Lagos.

In 2021, the initiative is only aimed at dogs.

Interested parties can make prior appointments by calling 282 780 900 or 925 525 017 (from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm from 13:00 pm to 16:00 pm), and the campaign will take place at the Lagos Official Animal Collection Center (CRO).
To use these services, the owners of the animals must be accompanied by the documents of the dog(s) and Citizen's Card.

The fees to be applied by the Municipal Kennel will be 10 euros for rabies vaccination, 1 euro for the health bulletin for dogs and 2,50 euros for electronic identification/registration of the dog. The use of a mask is mandatory on site.

«This campaign stems from the requirement that all dogs over three months old, present in the national territory, have a valid anti-rabies vaccine, as well as the determination, for the year 2021, to carry out an official anti-rabies vaccination and control of other zoonoses, also establishing the realization of electronic identification in a campaign regime», explained the City Council of Lagos.

"The prophylaxis of rabies and other associated diseases can be transmitted by animals to humans (zoonoses), putting the health of the community at risk", stressed the municipality of Lacobrigense.



