NEDISMAT promotes a cycle of conferences on career opportunities in Law

ISMAT has the only Law course in the south of the Tagus

The Nucleus of Law Students of the Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes (NEDISMAT) will promote, starting next Wednesday, March 17th, a cycle of conferences on professional opportunities in the area of ​​Law.

In a total of four conferences, to be held on Wednesdays, starting at 17 pm, by videoconference, NEDISMAT intends to make the professions related to Law known better, that is, the professional opportunities for those who graduate in that academic area.

On the 17th, the conference focuses on law, on the 24th, there will be professional lecturers from different areas where training in Law makes a difference.

On the last Wednesday of March, the event will be dedicated to professionals linked to investigation (security forces and criminal investigation), and, finally, on the 7th of April, the conference welcomes professionals linked to the judiciary.

NEDISMAT represents, in the current academic year, two hundred students spread over seven classes and four curricular years of the only Law course south of the Tagus, which operates at ISMAT (Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira
Gomes), from the Lusófona Group, established in Portimão.



