Lagos has joined the movement against food waste

Lagos wants to help build "a true circular economy"

Lagos joined the “Unidos Contra o Desperdício” (Unidos Contra o Desperdício) initiative, “a civic movement that seeks to draw attention to food waste and find ways to reduce it,” announced the Lacobrigense Chamber.

The movement wants to make “usual the use of food surpluses, warning of losses and waste, encouraging the donation of leftovers, promoting responsible consumption and building a true Circular Economy”.

The members of “Unidos Contra o Desperdício” consider that the fact that 30% of the food produced ends up in the garbage is “irrational, from an economic point of view, and unfair, from a social and environmental point of view”.

"To put an end to this reality involves raising awareness and changing attitudes, throughout the entire chain, impacting those who produce, those who manufacture, those who transform, those who pack, those who transport, those who consume and those who dispose of waste" , defend.

Now, the Câmara de Lagos has approved the adhesion to the movement and the signing of a commitment that, "in addition to the subscription of the manifesto", involves "the development of concrete measures, such as the dissemination of information, the adequacy of procedures and the sharing of best practices'.

«In this context, the Câmara de Lagos highlights the awareness-raising action promoted through social networks on the 16th of October, on the occasion of World Food Day, as well as the options taken in the last competition for the provision of school meals, in which it was the vegetarian option was introduced and the composition of school snacks was revised», listed the municipality.

«Another of the actions to be highlighted was the review of the composition of the food basket that is allocated by the municipality to households benefiting from social support. Also planned is the production and distribution of a manual, containing a set of tips and suggestions to help improve the eating habits of residents, which aims to promote healthy eating, but at the same time tasty and economical. Communication through social networks will be another aspect to be maintained in this work to raise awareness of the reduction of food waste», added the City Council of Lagos.

This civil society initiative, which was born on September 29, 2020 – World Day of Awareness for Food Losses and Waste, instituted by the United Nations -, has the High Sponsorship of the Presidency of the Republic, «bringing together a considerable number of entities public and private, which have assumed themselves, since the beginning, as "Founding Partners" or have been associated as "Operational Partners", "Communicating Partners" and "Adhering Partners", a group that includes the General Directorate of Local Authorities and now also counts on the participation of the municipality of Lagos».



