Firefighters of Faro they already have a vehicle to combat marine pollution and floods

Free transfer takes place within the scope of a protocol that allows collaboration for joint training, training and exercises

The Fire Brigade Sapper of Faro received, on December 29th, a VETA vehicle (Vehicle with Technical Support Equipment), awarded by the Administration of the Ports of Sines and Algarve (APS).

This vehicle, which has specific equipment to combat maritime pollution, including fuel spills or other pollutants, was provided free of charge under a protocol signed between the APS and the Municipality of Faro.

The Chamber of Faro explains that «the versatility of this vehicle also allows the Firefighters Sapadores to Faro use it in various relief and support missions to the population, and may incorporate various aspects».

Thus, in addition to cleaning roads and controlling spills of polluting substances, this vehicle can also “provide support in situations of floods and floods or support in fighting fires, among other types of operations”.

In addition to the transfer of the VETA vehicle, the protocol in force between the Municipality of Faro and APS «it will also allow a close collaboration between the Port Authority and the Sapadores Fire Department of Faro regarding joint training, training and exercises'.



