Do you know what the environmental concerns of the Portuguese at Christmas are?

Data show that 9 out of 10 Portuguese people recycle packaging

Use artificial pine (75%), separate packaging waste (73%) and do not use disposable utensils (71%). These are the main environmental behaviors assumed by the Portuguese during the Christmas season, reveals a study promoted by Sociedade Ponto Verde (SPV), which sought to understand the attitudes and concerns of Portuguese consumers regarding sustainable practices at this time.

When asked about what behaviors or concerns they have at this time, refusing bags in stores, using recycled paper for wrapping and being concerned about buying environmentally friendly products, they are those that show less expression during this season, with responses between 21% and the 39%.

The data show that 9 out of 10 Portuguese people recycle packaging, but knowing that the festive season is associated with an increase in consumption, which is reflected in greater waste production, different environmental concerns are needed at Christmas than at the rest of the year. .

“The Portuguese are increasingly aware of the importance of adopting responsible behavior towards the protection of the environment and the importance of recycling while one of them is increasingly noticed. This same survey showed us that 89% of Portuguese admit to being more concerned about environmental problems today than they were 10 years ago and Christmas is no exception.” says Ana Trigo Morais, CEO of Sociedade Ponto Verde.

Over the past few years, SPV has developed specific campaigns at Christmas, seeking to make the Portuguese aware of the importance of paying attention to the protection of the environment during festive seasons. This year, with the motto “The best gift in the world is a better world”, SPV once again launched its campaign for the festive season, evoking in each of us the desire to share and offer a better world.

“We believe that the campaigns that SPV has developed over time have contributed to this new awareness and environmental awareness. The purpose of reinforcing communication at Christmas is to encourage the maintenance of good recycling habits, which should be especially important at this time”, adds Ana Trigo Morais.

Throughout December, the Portuguese have been invited to share on their social networks the special filter created for this action, forming a movement to celebrate a better world. With recycling in the spotlight, and with the aim of facilitating and increasing separation in Portuguese homes this Christmas, for each share, participants get a set of ecobags. 200 ecobags are offered weekly, totaling 1.000 throughout the month on Instagram and Facebook.



