India fig growers gain online support platform

EFFI "is a social innovation project at the service of economic and rural development"

The Gastronomic Confraternity of Fig and Figueira da India launched the Empreender platform in the row of fig and fig tree in India (EFFI), a new online tool to support Indian fig and fig growers and future growers.

EFFI «is a social innovation project at the service of economic and rural development, active and dynamic in terms of network animation, communication and specialized information for the qualification of national prickly pear production and the visibility of the sector, in national and international terms», according to the Confraria Gastronomica do Figo and Figueira da India.

This platform is «an interactive tool available to all agents in the sector, which intends to disseminate information about the prickly pear's row».

In this way, sector agents are invited to sign up for the producers' map, as well as to publicize research projects and report on news and events in the prickly pear sector.

The «posting of questions for debate in the forum», the «presentation of suggestions for improving the website» and the «answering the evaluation questionnaires» are other actions available to producers.



