Children of Lagos will continue to “Grow in Motion”

Project goes to 27th edition

The children of Lagos will continue “Growing up in Motion”, thanks to the program to promote physical activity that the Câmara Lacobrigense provides to children who attend public pre-school education in the municipality's schools.

The idea of ​​this project is to get the little ones to regularly practice motor activities “that promote their integral development and instill healthy lifestyles in them early on”.

«The “Growing in Movement” covers the 11 pre-school classrooms in Lagos and a population of children aged between 3 and 5 years, who thus have the opportunity to practice one or two hours a week of guided physical activity», according to the Câmara de Lagos, which streamlines the program, which has the pedagogical coordination of each of the School Groups and is implemented in conjunction with Physical Education Technicians and Kindergarten Teachers.

The operationalization of the project on the ground «also involves the partnership with local sports clubs that, through a collaboration protocol established with the municipality, affect their Physical Education technicians to the project».

The renewal of this partnership with the clubs was approved at the last Chamber meeting, and provides for “the cooperation of human, logistical and financial resources, namely the provision of technicians to teach physical education classes in public pre-school education”.

The project, which is in its 27th edition, has an estimated budget of 10 thousand euros for the current school year. The activities, on the other hand, will start in October and November, this year without the component of classes for adaptation to the aquatic environment, which, due to their specificity of physical contact, had to be suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic.



