Lagos CMT rises to the 1st National Men's Table Tennis Division

Algarve did not have a representative at the highest level of table tennis for over 40 years

The Table Tennis Club (CMT) of Lagos rose to the 1st National Men's Division, ensuring that the Algarve once again has a representative at the highest level of this sport after more than 40 years.

Thus, in the next sporting season, the Municipal Pavilion of Lagos will be the stage «of vibrant confrontations between the lacobrigense team and the best national teams», according to the Lagos CMT.

The Lacobrigense club is "only 7 years old", but that did not stop it from achieving "the feat" of returning to the "largest national table tennis showcase".

«Representing the city and the region in the highest national table tennis division will be both a huge challenge and a gigantic satisfaction. The club deserves it, the Lacobrigenses deserve it, the Algarvians deserve it, but above all they deserve those who every day in recent years have allowed this milestone to be reached», he illustrated.

The Lagos CMT thanks «to all the athletes, coaches, managers and sponsors, who with great sacrifice and an enormous sense of duty have made it to this point».



