Portimão fells trees "at risk of imminent fall" in Jardim Visconde Bivar

Jardim Visconde Bivar is closed since Wednesday

Jardim Visconde Bivar, in Portimão, was closed on Wednesday to remove seven trees that are "at risk of imminent fall", work that will be done "in the very short term".

The trees in question have «worrying pathologies», identified during an action carried out by the municipality's technical services, which assessed the trees to be felled «as of extreme risk, (the highest of all) and should be removed immediately», according to the Chamber of Portimão.

The municipal services "identified a significant number of trees that will be replaced or repaired throughout this year, after rigorous analysis and monitoring of the risk of falling trees in Jardim Visconde Bivar and Jardim dos Pescadores, both located in the city."

"From this analysis, several disturbing pathologies were verified in the arboreal complex of Jardim Visconde Bívar, among which several fissures in structural branches and some active rots, which are irreversible in seven trees, jeopardizing their structural stability", described the municipality .

The identification and monitoring work that has now taken place «was based on a report prepared by a specialized company, contracted for the purpose, which presented a detailed document identifying the main disturbances, defining the level of risk of a fall of 45 trees (34 specimens in Jardim Visconde Bivar and 11 in Jardim dos Pescadores), and a set of preventive and corrective actions is recommended».

In the same garden, 13 trees were identified “as being at high risk, so although they do not present an immediate risk of falling, they should also be intervened as soon as possible, through sanitary pruning and the reduction and rebalancing of the crown”.

The operation that will be carried out here «aimed at eliminating the imminent risk and potential damage. trees, whenever a risk to people and goods is identified».

In the Jardim dos Pescadores, «no high or high risk situations were found, and no tree was replaced in this public space».

«This removal plan has associated tree compensation work, which enshrines the planting of a new tree for each specimen removed, and whenever possible in the same location», concluded the Portimão Chamber.


Photos: Portimão Chamber



