Graça Freitas confirms that illegal party in Lagos has already made 37 infected

Numbers go up again

Graça Freitas, Director-General of Health, said this Wednesday, June 17, that the illegal party that took place in Odiáxere (Lagos) has already caused 37 infections with Covid-19. 

This official explained, at the DGS press conference, on the balance of the pandemic, that the last update she had access to spoke of these 37 infected. The latest data, released yesterday by Ana Cristina Guerreiro, Regional Health Delegate, accounted for 16 cases.

Asked whether the number would already be 39, Graça Freitas explained that this "is possible", since the "numbers are always evolving". Still, he stressed that, before the press conference, «we had an update of 37».

This party, explained the director general of Health, was attended by "people from various places."

“The party was located in a certain municipality, but people lived in various places. They are spread over several regions and several municipalities in the Algarve», said Graça Freitas.

The responsible for the DGS also left an appeal for all of us to be "very careful with this type of manifestation", also expressing her appreciation "for the public health teams, mayors, all those who, before such a focus, acted quickly" .



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