Lagoa reopens Balcão Único, Library and Archive

Decision arises after the end of the State of Emergency

Lagoon Library

Lagoa reopens, next Monday, 11th of May, the Balcão Único, Library and Municipal Archive.

In face-to-face care, the use of a mask will be a mandatory safety measure.

The Balcão Único Municipal de Lagoa is one of the services that reopens service to the public in two daily shifts. The first service period runs from 8:30 am to 12:15 pm, while the second takes place between 14:00 pm and 17:45 pm.

General assistance and assistance on tax executions are two of the areas of this municipal service that resume regular operation.

The consultation of physical processes must be requested and scheduled in advance, whenever possible online, through from this address.

In the case of technical assistance, prior appointment is also required to be made on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:30 am and 12:00 pm..

In turn, the Municipal Library, in addition to providing online services, will be open from this Monday onwards, in the morning between 10:00 and 13:00 and in the afternoon, between 14:00 and 18:00. Entrance will be allowed to only one user at a time and access is only to the service desk.

Those who want to go to the Municipal Archive should send an email to [email protected] or call 282 380 435.

If the nature of the request sent justifies a face-to-face consultation, a prior appointment will be made for the visit to the Municipal Archive.

This decision by the Municipality of Lagoa “is the result of the transition from the State of National Emergency to Public Calamity and in the context of the ongoing decontamination plan”.

"Thus, access to covered public spaces should be adopted, as regular practices and among the recommended prevention measures, the use of masks, hand hygiene and observation of physical distance between people", concludes the municipality.

