Câmara de Portimão delivers tablets with Internet to 884 Basic Education students

Câmara wants to "ensure and promote equal opportunities in access to education"

The Portimão Council will make available 884 tablets with Internet access to elementary school students in the municipality who do not have this equipment, so that they can have access to distance learning via the Internet.

The objective is "to ensure and promote equal opportunities in access to education".

"The equipment will be distributed by the various School Groupings in the county, which will make them available until the end of the school year to guardians based on the data previously collected, so that children can follow the National Distance Learning Plan", according to autarchy.

The measure, articulated with the School Groups, is part of the “Portimão gives you a Hand” program, which aims to support families in the face of the harmful impacts of the current Covid-19 pandemic.



