I do not know!

Father Miguel Neto reflects on what is known and what is not known about the new coronavirus

I sometimes feel that our country is a world made up of curious sages, who look at the stars, point their thumbs with a little spit and, depending on the direction of the wind, give their learned sentence on the way forward. Probably when in the century. XV went to the discovery of sea ways that led us to the unknown world, this cleverness, based on the scientific basis of the time, however scarce for today, led us to be a great nation for two or three centuries.

However, the world has changed and, since at least the beginning of the last century, the proven scientific basis based on the path hypothesis-thesis-antithesis-synthesis governs all human and natural knowledge, regardless of whether it was created by God or being fruit of the mere
chance. Today, there is no room for the dimension of mystery.

Now, in my view this brings two big problems. First, the need we all have to know about everything. Second, and consequently, the inability we have to deal with something that we don't know, but know that it exists and whose effect we see.

Let's see: in the period of the previous economic crisis, roughly from 2008 to 2014, I felt that the generality of the Portuguese population suddenly had a deep knowledge about what the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is, public debt, public expenditure, investment funds , economic deficit, Special Payments on Account (PEC's) and what it is for and how the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank, the Bank of Portugal, etc., etc… should act. Such was the number and "quality" of so many opinion makers on the subject, that we no longer listened to the specialist in economics: we were all specialists in economics, even though until that period we had studied theology, theater, literature, computer engineering, health or any other theoretical science or practical art.

It went on talking, giving hunches, in short, it went on living. Even because the economic crisis, killing someone, is slowly and hungry, which, fortunately, the general population of our country does not know what it is.

However, the current crisis, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, is one of health and public health, that is, it belongs to everyone and affects everyone, regardless of the
knowledge, social class and bank account that each one may have. Well, this is more serious and guesses can be very dangerous.

However, it seems that the majority of the Portuguese population is a specialist in public health. I thought there was a shortage of doctors in Portugal and that it was difficult to get into medical school! It seems not, given the number of citizens who give scholarly opinions about the current situation and spread them through social networks: they are cures, they are analyzes of the government's performance, they are opinions about what should be done, they are certainties that a lot amaze me in this time of uncertainty.

I, for myself, feel more and more ignorant and I think the best answer is: I don't know! Even if not knowing is today a sign of ignorance and, for many, shameful to show ignorance. There are even those who say: "-So Mr. Padre studied so much, reads so much and doesn't know how to help us now?" Sorry but I don't know! For me, not knowing is often the best answer and the only possible one. The only one that guarantees us sincerity and truth.

When does the Covid-19 virus incubation period until manifest in humans? I do not know. I've read it all: 5,10,15 days. I just don't know.

How long does the virus last on the various surfaces? I do not know. Some say hours, I've read long days. I do not know!

Will we be able to continue to have the same life we ​​had before? In the future we will be able to continue to travel, walk and socialize
socially? I do not know. And I don't know if it's good or bad to go back to the same life we ​​had before. I know that, in my opinion and from what I've studied, living on the net, on the net, is also living socially and, in many cases, more deeply.

Are we going to have the same tourism rates we had before March 2020? I do not know. And I don't know if mass tourism is that good either. And I don't know if having an economy essentially dependent on tourism is recommendable either.

Does being locked in the house all work? I do not know. I usually do whatever the doctor tells me to do. If there's a doctor who walks into the house telling us to wash our hands and we're home, I just have to obey. Still she or my mom gets mad at me and makes me eat soup :-). It's better to be quiet and do what the doctor says.

How much longer will this physical isolation last? I do not know. I don't know if it will be 15 days, 1,2, 3 months or even 1 year. I know I'll probably have time to finish some hanging work and read some books that were collecting dust.

Are we now, every year, going to have a Covid-19 attack in our lives? I do not know. But I believe some are thinking: it wasn't bad to do six months at home and six months on the street.

I do not know! I do not know! I don't know so much. But I believe that mystery is part of life and we cannot encompass the entire created world.

Me and many other priests, we studied about the perichoretic relationship of the Holy Trinity, we wrote about the perichoretic relationship of the
Holy Trinity, we know how to explain it in simple words, but we only know that it exists through Faith and we will only be sure of its realization when we believe it exists.

I believe that many of you have never heard of it, nor do you know what it is, nor are you interested in the perichoretic relationship of the Holy Trinity. Though eternal life interests everyone.

That's why I didn't study about Codiv-19, I don't know how to write about Covid-19, I don't know how to explain Convid-19. I don't know anything but trust and follow who knows more than me in this matter. And ask the One I believe to protect us all.


Author Father Miguel Neto is director of the Information and Pastoral Ministry of Tourism of the Diocese of Algarve, as well as parish priest of Tavira.

