Covid-19: Centeno says the country "has never been so well prepared" to face crisis

Finance Minister says the Government will do everything to "restore confidence and return to normality"

The Minister of State and Finance, Mário Centeno, said today that the country "has never been so well prepared" to face a crisis like the one caused by covid-19, but did not clarify whether a new wave of austerity would be on the way.

“The country has never been so well prepared for a crisis like this one”, said Mário Centeno in a press conference held by video, adding that the Government will do everything to “restore confidence and return to normality”.

In the round of questions, asked whether the economic crisis caused by the covid-19 pandemic will bring a new wave of austerity to the country, Mário Centeno did not respond directly.

“The nature of this crisis is essentially very different from those that triggered the 2008 and 2009 crises, and the subsequent crises in some countries, deeper from 2010, 2011”, he replied, adding that this is not a “structural crisis ” or that “results from macroeconomic imbalances that must be corrected”.

