Shopping centers managed by Sonae Sierra have new opening hours

Stores can open later and close earlier

Sonae Sierra informed, in a statement, that, although the Shopping Centers it manages remain open during their normal opening hours, the stores may start to open until 12:00 and close from 20:00.

This is, according to the Group, its contribution to containing the spread of Covid-19, according to the appeal made by the World Health Organization and the General Directorate of Health.

With this measure, Sonae Sierra claims to maintain the «service reasonable and adjusted to the current needs of the population, minimizing any operational risks», while at the same time responding to the new needs of its tenants and employees.

In the Algarve, Sonae Sierra owns Albufeira Retail Park, Albufeira Shopping, Algarve Shopping, and Continente Shopping Center in Portimão.

