Algarve will discuss tourism trends and challenges

This is an initiative organized by the University of the Algarve (UAlg)

The third edition of the t-Forum (Tourism Intelligence Forum) conference, which will discuss the trends and challenges of tourism, takes place from 18 to 21 March, at Hotel Vila Sol, in Vilamoura. 

This is an initiative organized by the University of Algarve (UAlg), through the Research Center for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-Being (CinTurs), in partnership with the Pestana Group.

«As this is a unique event, which will bring the best national and international speakers to the Algarve to discuss the main trends and challenges of tourism today, companies wishing to participate can still register here, enjoying a special price» , says UAlg.

Aimed at professionals in the tourism sector and academics, the conference's target audiences are companies, institutions and agencies involved in the creation and/or application of intelligence to tourism, including tourism and hospitality companies, destinations, public agencies, science parks and technological, entrepreneurs, executives and professionals, destination administrators, public authorities, consultants and academics.

The t-Forum 2020 conference will have as its central theme “Breaking Old Barriers for a New World: Mobilizing Intelligence to Survive“, exploring the possibilities of transferring knowledge and intelligence into Tourism.

“It is, therefore, an excellent opportunity to share knowledge and networking between professionals in the sector, universities and research centers», says UAlg.

Participation in this conference will offer employees of public and private organizations the possibility of professional training, which is why the sessions and workshops will confer a certificate attesting to the number of hours taught.

The program for the 19th, in particular, will focus on pragmatic issues involving the tourism phenomenon and its stakeholders, whose program you can consult here

Anyone who wants to sign up can do so. here

More information via email [email protected]

