Silves library brings magic to school and reading to nursing home

Library promotes actions in Silves Secondary and Alcantarilha Home

The Municipal Library of Silves will develop actions aimed at the school public and the population senior, tomorrow and on the 25th, respectively.

Tomorrow, the 20th, the students of the Secondary School of Silves will have the opportunity to attend the session “There is Magic at School”, organized by Filipe Monteiro. The protagonist of the initiative has a degree in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Aveiro, but «he changed this activity for other passions: illusionism, the dissemination of science and writing, having edited several children's books and novels for adults», according to Câmara de Silves .

This action is based on the dissemination of science in a playful way, «contributing to awaken the interest of young people in cultural and scientific life. Students will be confronted with scientific facts and experiments, but which actually look like magic».

On the 25th, users of the Lar de Alcantarilha will have the opportunity to participate in a new session of the “Timeless Readings”, a project to promote reading that the municipality of Silvense has been promoting in homes.

During the sessions of this project, texts selected by the library's technicians are read to users of homes, «which serve as a motto for the construction of a dialogue with the elderly, recovering their memories and stories, in an informal and affective environment».

