Plastic collection goes to “TransforMar” to Armação de Pêra beach

The initiative is aimed at raising awareness that «they will later be transformed into direct benefits for the beaches and community»

The “TransforMar” project will reach Armação de Pêra beach and promote a plastic collection campaign in this bathing area between the 26th and 28th.

The waste collected in this initiative promoted in partnership by the Blue Flag Association of Europe (ABAE), the Portuguese Environment Agency, Quercus, Associação Zero, Lidl Portugal and Electrão «will later be transformed into direct benefits for the beaches and the community, avoiding that its final destination is the sea», according to the project's promoters.

TransforMar aims to «raise awareness of the importance of a more responsible behavior in relation to plastic materials and the principles of the circular economy, with activities for the whole family».

“In the summer of 2018, the TransforMar project prevented the final destination of 1,5 tonnes of plastic material from going to the sea and is now returning to 45 beaches from north to south of the country”, conclude the organizers of the initiative.

