ICNF and Ciência Viva in Summer invite you to discover the natural heritage of the Algarve

Activity will introduce living beings that «look like science fiction… but live next door»

Between the 15th of July and the 15th of September, the Regional Directorate for Nature Conservation and Forests of the Algarve (ICNF) and the Ciência Viva no Verão program will invite families on vacation to a «vast set of field activities that allow them to discover the region. natural, geological and cultural heritage of the Algarve.

The activities carried out by the Algarve Live Science Center and ICNF, at Quinta de Marim/Marim Environmental Education Center (CEAM), «allow families to acquire knowledge and understanding about the functioning of one of the richest habitats in Portugal.
biodiversity”, explains the ICNF.

The activity of the intertidal, which was named “Between tides. They seem straight out of science fiction but… they live next door” it consists of a walk in the salt marsh, and in the intertidal zone, observing and identifying the discovered species. “Through small dialogues we will make known the role and importance of each one in the “web of life””, the institute said.

The name of the activity “seems like science fiction…”, «came from the spontaneous expressions of the children when they realized the peculiar physical characteristics of the animals, plants and algae that we have the opportunity to observe in these habitats», adds the ICNF.

The CEAM will also receive the activities "Stars and Night Sounds in the Ria Formosa" "Nocturnal butterfly observation" e “We are going to build hotels for insects”.

The Ciência Viva no Verão program is publicized on the website of live science and ICNF.

All enrollments for Ciência Viva no Verão actions are made online through the Ciência Viva page, or through the telephone helpline 218985050.

