Albufeira Town Council invested 450 thousand euros in the repaving of roads in Ferreiras

Ferreiras was the parish of the county that grew the most in population, between 2001 and 2011, after Albufeira

Photo: Estrada da Cotovia and adjacent paths

The repaving work of paths in the parish of Ferreiras, in which the Municipality of Albufeira invested close to 450 thousand euros, has already been completed.

The contract, which covered an extension of approximately 16 kilometers, «included the paving of several streets with bituminous mat in the carriageway, service areas and parking lots, as well as the construction of shoulders/ditches and the reinforcement of signs in some places» , according to the municipality.

Over the three months that the work lasted, the Monte Velho road, the Cotovia road and adjacent roads, the Cotovio road, the Monte Espinho road, the Residents' Association, Tominhal street and alley, were repaired. Rua da Ferreirinha and Alley das Amendoeiras, the path Fernando Alves dos Santos and Rua do Alto do Alpouvar, Rua do Monte Espinho, the path next to the EN125 in Pinhal do Concelho and the alley of Celeiro.

Monte Velho Path

«The improvement and rehabilitation of the Albufeira road network continues at a good pace. After at the beginning of the month having announced the execution of the contract for the repaving of paths in Paderne, whose works are practically finished, we are now in a position to present the conclusion of the works in the scope of the contract for the Repaving of Paths in the parish of Ferreiras, a work with a total cost of around 450 thousand euros, in an intervention that we consider to be enormous meaning, taking into account the growth of the parish», according to the mayor of Albufeira José Carlos Rolo.

The Albufeirense mayor emphasizes that this is the parish that, after Albufeira, «has grown the most in the last ten years», having increased from 4951 residents in 2001 to 6406 residents in 2011 (data from the last INE census), «which implies enormous pressure at the level of basic infrastructure (housing, education, provision of services) with a particular impact on the wear and tear of the road network».


Photos: Albufeira Chamber

