National Meeting of Film Clubs starts today in Faro and Olhão

Meeting mobilizes film clubs across the country

The promotion of Portuguese-language cinema, Lusophony and the challenges of film clubs in the 23st century are the major themes of the XNUMXrd National Meeting of Film Clubs, which starts today, December 14th, and runs until Sunday, the 16th, in Faro and Olhão, with the presence of Film Clubs from all over the country and even abroad.

The organization explains that «the National Meeting of Film Clubs is a space where national film clubs can have a direct collaboration with their peers in their projects, promoting and publicizing the activities and regular screening sessions of members at national level».

Tonight, after a dinner, there will be, at 22 pm, a get-together at A Venda Restaurant, in Faro, on «The Film Production in the Algarve»", with the presence of André Badalo, Marcos Badalo, Vera Casaca (Original Features), Nelson Martins (Koto Studios), Hernâni Maria Cabral (Paradoxon) and Bruno Silva (University of the Algarve) .

Tomorrow, Saturday, the 15th, at 10:00 am, at the IPDJ of Faro, starts the seminar «Cineclubism: Copyright, Distribution and Exhibition», with Luís Silveira Botelho, General Inspector of Cultural Activities.

At 15:00 pm, the seminar “Cinematic Literacy” will take place, with Ana Isabel Soares (CIAC), Lurdes Martins (Espalha Fitas / Palha de Abrantes), Isabel Catarina Mateus (School Secondary Tomás Cabreira / Cineclube de Faro).

From 17:00, short films produced in the Algarve will be screened: “Ao Telephone com Deus”, by Vera Casaca (2017), 14′; “Catarina and the Others”, by André Badalo (2011), 15′; “Conto do Vento”, by Cláudio Jordão and Nelson Martins (2010), 12′; “15 Billion Slices of God”, by Cláudio Jordão (2013), 9′; and also “Hungry”, by Hernâni Maria Cabral, (2011), 4′.

After dinner, attendees will attend the inaugural session of the new season of «Video Lucem» festival, promoted by the Film Club of Faro, within the scope of the 365Algarve programming.

It will be at the Conserveiras do Sul Old Warehouse, in Olhão, that at 21 pm, the film concert will take place, which includes the screening of the unfinished silent film «O Homem dos Olhos Tortos», by Leitão de Barros and Luís Reis Santos, produced in Portugal in 30 (1919'), which will be accompanied with live music by Júlio Resende and Salvador Sobral.

On Sunday, the 16th, at 10:00 am, again at the IPDJ in Faro, the General Assembly of the Portuguese Federation of Film Clubs and the Presentation of the Film Club Day will take place.

At 14:30 pm, the tribute and presentation of the António Loja Neves Award, a historic film club from Faro, followed by the launch of a special issue of “Cinema” magazine.

This meeting mobilizes film clubs from across the country. The establishment of associations affiliated with the FPCC extends from Minho to the Algarve, passing through several islands in the Azores. But the meeting will also have the presence of film clubs from other countries as well as the International Federation of Film Clubs.

The event is open to the general public, «promoting cultural bridges and, above all, disseminating the film club movement outside its circles».

The film sessions are open to the general public, with tickets costing 4 euros for the general public, and 3 euros for students and members of federated film clubs. The seminars are open access.


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