“Spaces with History” is the new program of the União de Freguesias de Faro

Creation of a badge to be assigned to establishments and the development of itineraries are measures that will be taken

Create a set of measures to safeguard and enhance the oldest commercial establishments in the city of Faro is the objective of the new “Spaces with History” program. 

According to the Union of Parishes of Faro, promoter of the initiative, in these commercial establishments «resides a relevant part of the Faroese identity, character and tradition».

The Espaços com História program also includes cultural and sporting entities of an associative nature that have material, immaterial, historical and cultural heritage that it is important to preserve and disseminate and that stand out for their characteristics of recognized value for the identity of the city of Faro.

To Bruno Lage, president of the União das Freguesias de Faro, “Spaces with History” will seek to “develop and apply an active and identity brand from which various contents will be produced, namely through the creation of a label to be attributed to establishments and the development of itineraries, publications and thematic exhibitions, in addition to the intention to create partnerships with entities to support establishments classified in areas such as architecture, decoration, restoration, marketing, economics and management, among others that are deemed opportune».

The program is also part of the objectives of the new Recognition Regime for establishments of local historical and cultural or social interest (Law 42/2017 of 14 June), which provides for a set of national measures to protect establishments that obtain this recognition, namely at the level of the Urban Lease Law and at the fiscal level.

Applications for the “Spaces with History” program can be proposed by any natural or legal person, of public or private law and must be submitted, through the appropriate form available on the website of the União das Freguesias de Faro or in its delegations.

