CBMR from the University of the Algarve is the new partner of the Cancer Drug Development Forum

CBMR will broadcast events, workshops, training actions and other activities that will allow accelerating the development of anti-cancer drugs

The Biomedical Research Center (CBMR) of the University of Algarve (UAlg) is the new communication partner of the Cancer Drug Development Forum, which is part of the European Cancer Organization (ECCO).

ECCO is a non-profit organization that aims to defend the right of all cancer patients to the best possible treatment and care, promoting interaction between all organizations involved in the field of cancer in Europe.

«The European organization, based in Brussels, unites experts from academia, the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory bodies to accelerate the clinical development of drugs against cancer», explains the University of Algarve.

According to the Algarve academy, "the invitation comes in order to provide the organization with a unique communication platform that facilitates interaction between everyone involved (from academia, the pharmaceutical industry, through regulatory bodies, policy makers and patient providers )'.

The CBMR will become part of «the vast communication network of the Cancer Drug Development Forum, asserting itself as your partner and contributing, through its digital platforms, to the dissemination of events, workshops, training actions and other activities of a collaborative nature that, directly or indirectly, allow accelerating the clinical development of drugs against cancer», concludes the UAlg.

