The renovation works of the floors of the accommodation and recovery cells, as well as the installation of new feeding troughs, drinking fountains and pallets, in the Municipal Kennel of Silves, have been completed.
These works are the result of 100% financing after the approval of an application submitted to the General Directorate of Food and Veterinary Medicine in 2017.
The Municipality of Silves was the only one in the Algarve to have an application approved, «whose works allowed a significant refurbishment of these facilities, which now have two semicircular cells for the accommodation of dogs and three horizontal boxes for the accommodation of cats, intended for the isolation and quarantine of animals suspected of rabies», says the autarchy.
More boxes were also created «taking advantage of an existing annex, which communicates to an also indoor space, which functions as a wider “leisure” place, where it is possible for cats to jump, run, climb and descend» and « the physical separation of the area of access to the Veterinary Medical Office from the area of the kennel itself, in order to provide easier and safer access for the collected dogs».