“O Algarve ea Guerra” is the subject of a free History course at the University of Algarve

“The Algarve and the War” is the theme of the new free course in the history of the region, which starts at 5 […]

“O Algarve ea Guerra” is the theme of the new free course in the history of the region which starts on June 5th, with most sessions taking place in amphitheater A of the Pedagogical Complex of the Campus of Gambelas of the University of Algarve (UAlg) , in Faro. 

The sessions take place every Tuesday and Thursday of the month of June (5th to 28th), between 18:00 and 20:00.

The course will also have visits, the first being on the 7th of June, guided by professor Francisco Lameira, with the meeting point at Arco da Vila, in Faroat 18 pm.

The meeting point for the visit to Castro Marim, on June 14th guided by Pedro Pires, will be at 17:00 in front of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (FCHS) building, for those who wish to take the UAlg bus, or at 18:00 in Castro Marim, place to be arranged.

The Center for Studies in Heritage, Landscape and Construction (CEPAC) and the Department of Arts and Humanities of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Algarve are organizing this year another edition of the Free Course in Algarve History (CLHA).

CLHA is now in its XNUMXth edition «and every year it captivates a wide range of audiences from different backgrounds and areas of knowledge, many of whom are already loyal to it», says the organization.

The chosen theme is “The Algarve and the War” and will be approached from different perspectives during the eight sessions, which also include two study visits, as has been customary. In a year commemorating the centenary of the end of World War I, the choice of this theme also arises in the sense of reflecting on some of the military conflicts that have taken place over the centuries, with an influence on the history and culture of the Algarve, as well as on the lives of the its inhabitants.

It is also intended to contribute to the deepening of knowledge about the history of the region and the relations it has been establishing with neighboring regions and countries.

To this end, some researchers were invited who, in their communications, extend a little the set of territories and protagonists of these events, such as Professor Francisco Contreras, professor of Contemporary History at the University of Huelva, who will speak about border relations and migrations between the Algarve and Andalusia in the war periods of the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries, or Fernando Pessanha, graduated at UAlg (Licentiate and Masters) and currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Huelva, with a thesis linked to the Portuguese military presence in Morocco and who will speak on the theme of the war in the Algarves of Overseas.

This year, the course is associated with the official commemorations of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, as well as its main objectives. To consult the full course syllabus, click here

Anyone can enroll in this course confers a certificate of participation. Entries can be made. here 

For more information you can contact 289 800 914 or send an email to [email protected].

