Lagos: The road that connects Quatro Estradas to Vila da Luz will be reclassified

The requalification project for Municipal Road (EM) 537, between Quatro Estradas and Vila da Luz, in Lagos, […]

Can Tarmac be Laid Over Concrete?

The requalification project for Municipal Road (EM) 537, between Quatro Estradas and Vila da Luz, in Lagos, will be presented on the 17th of May, at 18 pm, at the Junta de Freguesia da Luz. 

The forecast of the Câmara de Lagos is that the work «starts in the last quarter of this year».

This is a project "aimed at requalifying an access that has long been lacking, both in terms of the pavement and existing infrastructure" and which "is a project of unquestionable municipal public interest, both for residents and for the thousands who annually visit Lagos and who circulate in this way».

The intervention is located on Estrada Municipal EM 537, between Quatro Estradas and Rua do Ramalhete, in Vila da Luz.

The aim of this intervention is to create conditions for smooth, pedestrian and cycling mobility between Quatro Estradas and Vila da Luz, a road with very intense car traffic and pedestrian circulation, boosted above all by the Valverde campsite and the Monte de S. Peter.

Thus, a longitudinal sidewalk will be created, along the eastern side of the road and along its entire length, with a profile with an average width of 1,85 meters, raised as a rule by 0,15 meters. The intervention includes the correction of anomalies in the road pavement, as well as the creation of a rainwater network, public lighting, remodeling of the low voltage distribution network and telecommunications network.

It is estimated that the intervention may start in the last quarter of 2018, with an estimated value of around 1,3 million euros

The project for the execution of the work will be exhibited at the headquarters of the Parish Council of Luz, between 30 April and 11 May.

