Priberam and Lusa show the year in words… and news

Know the most searched words throughout the year, in the Priberam dictionary, but also the main events that marked the […]

Credits: Depositphotos

Find out about the most searched words throughout the year, in the Priberam dictionary, but also the main events that marked the present time on a political, economic and social level. This is the “Year in Words” (and news), available here, in a partnership between Priberam and the Lusa agency. 

This platform was structured with the words presented chronologically, from January to December, illustrated with large format photographs, allowing a quick portrait of the year 2017.

By clicking on the highlighted word, we access its definition in the Priberam Dictionary. By clicking on the image caption, we have the corresponding Lusa news and photo credits.

For this project, Priberam extracted the most searched words throughout the year and, from these, the editors of Lusa chose the ones they considered most relevant in terms of national and international news.

Among the more than two hundred words that were at the top of the queries in the Priberam Dictionary, 25 were selected (in chronological order): armo, promulgate, exoplanet, contraption, shamelessness, equinox, primer, amnesty, prayers, tetra, caliphate, dantesque , gypsy, transgender, supremacist, claim, condolences, heresy, hecatomb, arrest, probity, sedition, exonerate, intifada and cabal.

This year, Priberam has had more than 130 million consultations since January. In the same period, there was a significant growth, both in terms of the number of sessions (24% more compared to 2016) and in the number of users – 34% more for a total that surpassed 33 million by mid-December, coming from almost all the countries of the world: 230 countries or territories.

Even from Palau, in Micronesia, which comes in 230th place, with a query

