Lagos Municipal Assembly requires that CGD da Ameijeira branch remain open

The Municipal Assembly of Lagos requires the Government to keep the Caixa Geral de Depósitos da Ameijeira counter open. […]

The Municipal Assembly of Lagos requires the Government to keep the Caixa Geral de Depósitos counter open of the Ameijeira. A motion against the closure of this branch of the publicly owned bank, one of the 180 to close by 2020, was approved at the last meeting of this local government body, which took place on Wednesday, April 26th.

For the PSD/Lagos, which presented the motion, this is a process «whose results are already beginning to be felt», bearing in mind that «in a first phase, 61 branches are planned to be closed, including the Ameijeira branch in Lagos .

«The deputies of the PSD, after listening to the concerns of the population, concluded that this desk is considered a proximity desk, especially for the elderly and for those with reduced mobility, and the existing alternative is in the Historic Center whose access is hampered by the lack of free parking in the vicinity», reads the motion that was approved.

The document also alerts to the fact that "the fate of employees in the locations where the closures are planned" has yet to be clarified.

