Câmara de São Brás sponsors the visit of investigators to the Museu do Traje

The Chamber of São Brás de Alportel has been sponsoring the coming to the council of national and foreign researchers, […]

The City Council of São Brás de Alportel has been sponsoring the coming to the council of national and foreign researchers, so that they can develop cultural projects in the São Brás de Alportel council, under a partnership with the Museu do Traje.

The local authority has been helping the local cultural entity to welcome these specialists, «through the offer of residence, making the spaces available in the Community Support Center available» and has assumed the will to maintain this support in the future.

The City Council of São Brás gives the example of one of the council's most recent visitors, Sendy Ghirardi, «born in Italy, who was at the Museu do Traje working on a doctoral thesis on the influence that the cultural and social participation of the community exerts on determination of the psychological well-being of the human being».

«The choice of the Museu do Trajo de São Brás de Alportel was linked to the fact that this museological nucleus promotes the cultural participation of the community, launching cultural stimuli to the population that takes active participation, reinforcing the concept of shared cultural management», according to autarchy.

During his stay, the researcher met «with close to a hundred people, who share this experience provided by the Museum».

