Chamber helps Misericórdia de Alcoutim keep a job

The Alcoutim Council will allocate 2617 euros to the local Santa Casa de Misericórdia, to help […]

The Alcoutim Council will allocate 2617 euros to the local Santa Casa de Misericórdia, to help the institution extend its relationship with a young woman who completed a professional internship there, under a program of the Employment and Professional Training Institute (IEFP). ).

The Alcouteneja autarchy enters with this financial contribution taking into account «the difficulties felt by Santa Casa da Misericórdia in dealing with expenses not reimbursed by the IEFP», revealed the Chamber.

The institution of Alcoutim put forward a candidacy to the IEFP that allowed “to fit a young woman into the labor market, acquiring professional experience, and simultaneously contributing to the development of the activities of the Misericórdia”.

The Chamber added that it has established a partnership with Misericórdia de Alcoutim «in areas such as the professional integration of citizens with greater vulnerability to social exclusion, in the oral health program, which allows the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of low-income populations in this area. , and in the support provided by the Food Bank Against Hunger of the Algarve in the municipality of Alcoutim».

