A film about tourism in the county is shown at the Vila do Bispo Cultural Center

A promotional film from the municipality of Vila do Bispo, «with its different tourist potentials», will be shown in the next […]

A promotional film from the municipality of Vila do Bispo, «with its different tourist potentials», will be shown next Saturday, January 21st, at 14 pm, in the Auditorium of the Cultural Center in that location.

This film «more than telling a story, it aims to convey the tranquility and harmony that the visitor can feel when visiting this territory. A perfect place to rest, enjoy good food, practice water sports or admire its beautiful landscapes», considers the Vila do Bispo Council.

In this film, which is a partnership between Vila do Bispo Council and Antigravity, only people who are natives or residents of the municipality participate, such as actors Diogo Vargem, Filipe dos Santos Magalhães, José António Rodrigues, Leonor Silva Viana, Maria Albertina Rodrigues, Ricardo Batista, Rita Rio, Rosa Alexandra Gonçalves, Sandra Nunes and Soraia Oliveira .

The extras were António José Bravo, Francisco Pinheiro, José Gonçalves, José Manuel Rosado Nascimento, Roberto Bento and Válter Mateus, while the participating companies were Bar do Tonel, Burgau Beach Bar, Cape Cruiser, diverscape, to Equivicentinos, to Good Feeling, Mar Ilimitado, Vítor Cintra Furtado – Banca do Vítor and Wind4All.

This film also had the support of Aldeia da Pedralva, Manuel Oliveira, Mónica Correia, da pizza pazza, from Italian pizzeria, A Sagres Restaurant, Sebastião Restaurant, Mexilhão Restaurant and Zavial Restaurant, as well as with the collaboration of Carmen Silva, Paulo Vieira and Tânia Lucas.

