Facade of a building in Olhão collapsed (with video of the collapse)

The facade of a vacant building, located in the final block of Rua 18 de Junho, before reaching Avenida […]

building-a-ruir-in-olhao_foto-luis-pacheco_1The facade of a vacant building, located in the final block of Rua 18 de Junho, before reaching Avenida da República, in Olhão, collapsed with great appearance this dawn.

The Fire Department of Olhão and the PSP sealed the area and created a security perimeter at the first signs that the building could yield, avoiding potential human victims, but this did not prevent material damage to the building opposite, as this video by Carlos Almeida demonstrates:

In the building in question, there was a hardware and appliance store, as well as other businesses, but currently the building was no longer being used, even because of the structural problems it had.

According to residents of the area, the building's roof had already collapsed at several points. In the property immediately next door, on the corner of Avenida da República, Café Mourão once operated.

