Active holidays in Castro Marim are also for children and young people from outside the county

The Castro Marim Active Summer Vacation program has open enrollment for children and young people (from 6 to 15 […]

active_vacation_summer2016 (3)The Active Summer Holidays program in Castro Marim has open enrollment for children and young people (from 6 to 15 years old) from outside the municipality.

As explained by the Castro Marim City Council, which promotes the initiative, in collaboration with the Municipal Company NovBaesuris, “enrollments are limited to the number of existing vacancies, according to the stipulated admission criteria, and have a cost of 40 euros per week, with meal included'.

Applications can be made by filling out a form, available on the website of the municipality of Castro Marim and not of Novbaesuri, which must then be handed over to the municipal company team. The insurance costs 28 euros and is paid only once.

The transportation of children to the places of activities must be ensured by their parents or guardians.

This year, children and young people on active vacations can participate, among other activities, in workshops healthy cooking, judo, mountain biking, tennis, self defense, football, or traditional games.

The Active Holidays end on September 16, «providing a summer full of educational and training activities, in addition to breaking routines and promoting harmonious development, contributing to the physical, psychological and social balance of children», concludes the municipality of Castromarinense.


