Lagos invests 150 thousand euros in the redevelopment of the Historic Center

The Historic Center of Lagos is going to start works from tomorrow, Wednesday. The new "Requalification of […]

downtown street paving works

The Historic Center of Lagos is going to start works from tomorrow, Wednesday. The new contract for “Requalification of Pavements and Infrastructures for Water and Sewage” will cover four arteries and represents an investment for the City Council of 149 thousand and 700 euros, plus VAT.

This street requalification work expands «the geographic scope of the interventions that have been carried out since 2014 aiming at improving the accessibility conditions in the intra-walls area», explains the municipality.

This intervention will focus on stretches of Rua da Oliveira, Rua 1º de Maio and the crossbars of Extrema and Paço, with works planned for the rehabilitation of public water and sewage infrastructure, as well as the treatment of pavements and sidewalks.

«The works will take place until the end of June, and the occasional alterations to traffic will be duly indicated on the ground», adds the municipality.

For after the summer, a new intervention of the same scope is already planned, which will focus on the area of ​​Rua Cardeal Neto, Rua Gil Vicente, Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Mendonça Pessanha and Travessa Gil Vicente.

The Municipality of Lagos, «aware of the inconvenience that these works will cause to residents and users of those arteries of the old town, programmed the intervention in order to minimize road and pedestrian restrictions, and calls for the understanding and collaboration of all during the course. of the same".

