Albufeira distinguishes companies in the municipality at a ceremony at Zoomarine

  The Council of Albufeira will honor companies in the municipality classified with the PME Líder and PME Excellence status. In […]


Slide1The City Council of Albufeira will honor companies in the municipality classified with the PME Líder and PME Excellence status. In 2015, 35 companies from Albufeira from various sectors of activity were awarded this seal of quality, which, on April 14, will be publicly distinguished at a ceremony at Zoomarine, scheduled for 16 pm.

The event will be attended by the president of Turismo de Portugal, Luís Araújo, and the president of the Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (IAPMEI), Miguel Cruz.

This is the fourth consecutive year that the Municipality organizes a public ceremony to promote recognition of the municipality's business fabric.

The Council of Albufeira explains that «the SME Leader Status is granted by IAPMEI and by Turismo de Portugal, in partnership with the main banking institutions operating in Portugal, with a view to rewarding companies with the best economic and financial indicators and the best management practices'.

From the group of SME Leaders that present the best performances, companies with the SME Excellence Status are selected, bringing them «conditions with increased visibility».


