CTT de Portimão are one of the 10 points of sale of Mala de Viagens

The store in Portimão dos CTT is one of the first ten sales points of Mala de Viagens, the agency […]

travel bagThe store in Portimão dos CTT is one of the first ten points of sale of Mala de Viagens, the company's travel agency, which showed itself to the market for the first time on the BTL – Bolsa de Turismo de Lisboa.

Braga, Porto, Gaia, Viseu, Coimbra, Lisbon, in Picoas and at the headquarters, Sintra, Évora and Portimão, are the first ten sales points of Mala de Viagens. With this initial network, CTT hopes to reach «five thousand people a day», according to Henrique Martins, general director.

The opportunity arose when "CTT, like any other postal service in other countries, had to reinvent the business", and the most visible form of this change was the sale of other products at its stations, added the official, speaking to PressTur.

