Altura-Furnazinhas Road shortens distances between villages in Castro Marim

The construction of the Altura-Furnazinhas Municipal Road, in Castro Marim, has been completed, after work on the Eira Verde section has been completed […]

Altura Road - Furnazinhas (3)The construction of the Altura-Furnazinhas Municipal Road, in Castro Marim, was completed, after work on the Eira Verde – Monte Novo section was completed. The 34-kilometre-long road is, according to the Castromarinense City Council, «the largest road project ever built in the municipality».

The Eira Verde-Monte Novo link included the construction of two sections, one connecting the town of Fortes, with about 6 km in length, and the other to Furnazinhas, with about 2 km, the construction of two roundabouts and a new bridge, with 135 meters long, next to the village of Fortes, which crosses the Ribeira de Odeleite.Socializing_Estrada Furnazinhas (17)

The bridge was the chosen place for a luncheon meeting that marked the end of the work, between citizens, builders and the executive of the Castro Marim City Council.

The construction of the road cost 2,8 million euros, supported by 65% ​​by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

According to the municipality, the Altura-Furnazinhas Municipal Road has «the overwhelming advantage of shortening the connections between towns».

The work was designed and started by the former executive of José Estevens, and has only just been completed.

