Portimão Aerodrome invaded by 27 British planes for RV6 Encounter

Starting today, the Municipal Aerodrome of Portimão will receive 27 ultra-light aircraft from England, which will participate in the […]

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStarting today, the Portimão Municipal Aerodrome will receive 27 ultra-light aircraft from England, which will participate in the 5th RV6 Meeting. The event continues until next Monday.

This is the fifth time that the Aerodrome hosts this meeting organized by Vivien West, English resident, in love with aircraft and RV6 collector.

According to the Municipality of Portimão, «the event brings together the aeronautical community in a social meeting to honor these small single-engine propellers, which are authentic museum pieces».

This meeting should bring to Portimão, according to the local authority, 50 foreigners who "will be accommodated in the city".

"This is an excellent opportunity for aviation enthusiasts to see such a large number of rare aircraft parked at the Municipal Aerodrome", adds the Chamber.

