Book «Cenas Maradas» by Fátima Peres is now in its 2nd edition

The book «Cenas Maradas», written by radio host Fátima Peres, is now in its 2nd edition. After it was released […]

fatima peresThe book «Cenas Maradas», written by radio host Fátima Peres, is now in its 2nd edition. After being released in mid-October, in the auditorium of the Caixa de Crédito Agrícola, in Monchique, two steps away from his usual place of work, Rádio Fóia, the work has already been presented in Aljezur, at the Clube dos Amigos do Chinicato (Lagos) and, last March, in Vila do Bispo, at the opening of the Book Fair.

Launched by the Algarve publisher Arandis, this debut book is presented as not being «prose or poetry», rather as «a halfway between two styles». It is above all «a work written with the heart and that marks the debut of the “radio girl” in the world of letters».

Num very intimate book, Fátima Peres manages to turn her memories and experiences into a bridge for the reader. Each crazy little scene, even if painful at times, always carries hope and urges us to continue our journey.

A woman of faith and determination, Fátima Peres shares convictions and torments, assumes the advances and retreats in the fight against the disease, reminds the reader of the balm that can be the simple sound of the sea or the breeze that blows through the trees.

This second edition includes two more illustrations, in addition to those already published, by Luís Peres, Gabriela Eufrásio, João Sena, Fernando Lobo and Victor Borges.

The book can be purchased either through the Arandis Editora, want from author herself.

