Vila do Bispo launches itinerary on the paleo-geological history of Salema and Mareta beaches

The book “Paleo-Geological Guide to the Salema and Mareta Beaches (Vila do Bispo Municipality)”, edited by the City Council […]

Beatriz bookThe book “Paleo-Geological Guide to the Salema and Mareta Beaches (Vila do Bispo Municipality)”, published by the Vila do Bispo Council, will be released this Saturday, January 17, at 17 pm, at the Pousada de Sagres.

Authored by Beatriz Oliveira, the work reveals important aspects of the geology of Praia da Mareta (Sagres) and Praia da Salema (Budens), both in the field of written information and in encouraging the reader to travel to the places.

The work took place within the scope of the author's master's thesis, who dedicated special attention to the territory of Vila do Bispo due to the fact that there are some emblematic places of geological history, allied to a tourist potential and easily accessible.

For the researcher, the main objective of this script is that it be «a true field manual».

Beatriz Tomás Oliveira was born in Leiria, on June 12, 1974. She has been a teacher since 1998 and currently teaches at EB2,3 of São Vicente, in Vila do Bispo.

