Streets of Foz de Odeleite receive works and pavements

Castro Marim City Council has already advanced with the improvement of streets in Foz de Odeleite (Odeleite parish). […]

Streets Foz de Odeleite (1)Castro Marim City Council has already advanced with the improvement of streets in Foz de Odeleite (Odeleite parish). The work covers around 20 streets and is being carried out by direct administration.

The local authority emphasizes that «the realization of this work is an old desire of the population of Foz de Odeleite, where many streets still do not have any type of paving».
Other existing shale streets were quite degraded and are also being improved.

The improvement of streets in the county is presented as «one of the concerns of the municipality of Castromarinense, aimed at improving mobility conditions for residents and facilitating transport access to villages».

