Lagos approves the Historic Center's Archaeological Sensitivity Charter

The Archaeological Sensitivity Charter of the Historic Center of Lagos has already been approved by the City Council of Lagos, in its […]

LAKES_wallsThe Archaeological Sensitivity Charter for the Historic Center of Lagos has already been approved by the City Council of Lagos, at its meeting on July 4th.

The Charter should now be integrated into the Municipal Regulation for Urbanization and Building (RMUE), but for this it will still be necessary to promote public appreciation of the amendment to the RMUE, aimed at incorporating that Charter as a normative annex.

The Historic Center's Archaeological Sensitivity Charter is a planning instrument, of a regulatory nature, which defines the precautionary actions to be observed in the previous execution of works in the historic center of the city of Lagos.

The actions to be implemented are subject to adaptation in view of the location of the property in the map of archaeological sensitivity gradients differentiated by colors, contained in the Archaeological Sensitivity Chart.

The archaeological interventions carried out over more than a decade, in the historic center of the city, made possible the archaeological risk assessment of the remains preserved in the urban subsoil and its transposition to a Risk Chart with different potential indices.

The mapping of archaeological sensitivity gradients makes it possible to justify a normative of measures, whether these measures are of safeguard/enhancement that condition construction projects, whether they are of municipal or private initiative, consisting of "archaeological monitoring" (of excavation and/or demolitions), "parietal archaeological examination" (to safeguard possible pre-existences at the heart of the constructions), "diagnostic survey", "archaeological excavation", whether these measures determine that it is not necessary to take preventive measures against the impact of the work on archaeological heritage whenever there is a presumption, arising from objective information, that this affectation is null.


Archaeological Sensitivity Chart of the Historic Center of Lagos:



